Crew of Lt. Harry M. Hempy and Lt. Jack W.
Janssen (100th BG) - B-17G 43-37517
- 1 died of wounds, 8 RET - return to Thorpe Abbotts 11.9.1944 |
Global look on
panel dedicated to the Hempy / Janssen crew - The "Heaven Can Wait" (2003) |
Global look on
showcase dedicated to Jack Janssen, the copilot and later Kansas State
Senator |
Global look on
the crew showcase including items donated by Sgt. Emerson family and neck
headphones from J. W. Janssen, H. M. Hempy´s pilot wings, etc. |
property of the killed tail gunner Charles W. Emerson, donated by his family and flak
schrappnels found in Heaven Can Wait B-17 (showcase as build in 2003) |
Jack W. Janssen and his wife Judy. Till today visited the museum in 1997, 1998 and 2000 |
and crew leader Harry M. Hempy visited the Museum in 1998 |
turret gunner with wife Marie were present on the Museum opening ceremony in September
1997 |
100th BG reunion in Salt Lake City, USA 1997 we were happy to met also the navigator,
Cyril A. Roberts (he died 20. 2. 2000...) |
area is dedicated to the crew
Lt. Harry M. Hempy - RET
Lt. Jack W. Janssen - RET
Lt. Cyril A. Roberts - RET
Lt. Donald A. Friedman - RET
T/Sgt. A. L. Hubiak - RET
S/Sgt. John P. Moncure - RET
S/Sgt. Donald J. Farley - RET
S/Sgt. Frank A. Bonagur - RET
S/Sgt. Charles W. Emerson - RET/died of wounds |
fighters attack the A/C 517 "Heaven Can Wait" was seriously damaged, two of her
four engines were out of order and in the shooted-up tail section was seriously injured
the tail gunner Charles W. Emerson. The pilots turned back for alone return. After many
problems it was succesful and the slow plane landed late afternoon on their base in Thorpe
Abbotts. During return the crew take care to their friend Charles Emerson, now he was
given into care of medicians. Unfortunatelly he died of his wounds on Septembr 30th, 1944.
The crew received short leave nad returned to combat. They finished before Cristmas 1944. |
co-pilot of this crew LtCol. Jack W. Janssen was one of first veterans from 100th BG which
we were able contact. It was on Spring 1997. Since that time he visited the Museum tree
times, we were able to visit him in his home twice. He became to be one of best friends of
the Museum. Similar as the BTG Don Farley. He represented the crew on the Museum opening
ceremony in 1997. Later, we met the navigator Cy Roberts and in 1998 the pilot Hary Hempy
came to see the museum. In 2003 we set also contact with family of the TG, Sgt. Emerson,
which donated to the museum some personnal memorabilia of Charles, who is buried on the US
military cemetery in Cambridge, UK. |